We need to work to pay our bills, support our family, and plan for the future. If you can’t make the most of your job because your employer broke the law, a Stephenson Rife employment lawyer can help. State and federal laws have many protections for workers, but they must be enforced to do any good. Employers who think they can cheat their employees out of pay or benefits, cut their hours, or fire them in violation of the law need to be held accountable.

Our Employment Attorney Handles a Broad Range of Cases

A Stephenson Rife employment attorney can help you in a wide range of labor and employment law issues, including:

  • Employee misclassification
  • Wage and hour issues
  • Family medical leave
  • Whistleblower protections
  • Accommodating disabilities
  • Sexual harassment
  • Illegal discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, color, race, religion, age, disability, and national origin
  • Retaliation for seeking the protection of the law or cooperating with a discrimination investigation or lawsuit
  • Employees injured at work
  • Wrongful termination
  • Drug testing and background check issues
  • Employment contracts, including non-compete and non-disclosure clauses
  • Protected actions by employees to improve their wages and working conditions.

Our Employment Lawyers Will Protect Your Rights

There are many ways in which an employer can harm or take action against an employee. When this happens, our team of employment lawyers is ready to aggressively fight for you. Employment and labor laws cover every aspect of the employer-employee relationship, including whether or not you’re an employee. Increasingly, in order to cut costs businesses have work done by those who are told they’re not employees, even though under the law they are.

Employers may break the law to pay people “under the table” to avoid paying taxes and cheat employees out of overtime pay. You may be entitled to medical leave to care for yourself or a family member, but your request may be denied illegally, or you may be retaliated against for asking.

Some employers participate in discriminatory actions that violate the law. Disabled employees should have reasonable accommodations so they can work. Female employees shouldn’t be discriminated against in job opportunities, and pregnancy shouldn’t hurt your chances of a promotion. Employers shouldn’t hold qualities like race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin, which have nothing to do with your ability to work, against you. You shouldn’t be harassed for these reasons, either.

Employees can suffer illegal retaliation if they report discrimination, cooperate with investigations, testify in government proceedings, or appear in a trial in support of claims of workplace discrimination. It’s also against the law to retaliate against an employee for reporting illegal actions by an employer, including safety and pollution violations and financial wrongdoing.

Our Labor Law Attorney Fights for You

Employers with the right management can make your life easier, improve your prospects for the future, and allow you to provide for your family. Unfortunately, all too often, that’s not the management that people experience. They cut legal corners, discriminate against employees and violate their legal rights. You don’t have to put up with it. A Shelbyville employment lawyer could make things right.

For a free initial consultation on a labor or employment law issue, call us today at 317-680-2011. A Stephenson Rife labor law attorney can protect your rights and hold accountable those who broke the law.

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